The Call Of Christ by Jackie English (Nov 14th, 2021)
Michael Klick

Back in 1974 Jesus began a work in my heart to draw me to Him. A pivotal moment occurred in 1978, while stationed with the Army in Germany, when the Lord showed me the reality of the work of the Cross. It was no longer a concept but something that held sway over every aspect of my life and every aspect of the world – in my life.
That revelation set me free from who I was to press on to who I am in Him.
During that time, little did I know, Jesus was laying the ground work for my relationship with Christ-Redeemer Fellowship (CRF). He began creating relationships and connections that eventually led me to Central Texas.
A California native and living in Phoenix after my discharge from the Army in 1982, I left everything and came to Texas – not really knowing how this would turn out. I just knew I belonged here.
I finished school in San Antonio and soon thereafter met the love of my life Connie Sigmon. We met Jackie English about this time and soon realized God was binding us to him and his ministry.
Many changes in jobs and a few churches later, the Lord has brought us full circle and we again are bound to this ministry and have the distinct pleasure of serving in it now. The Word being communicated – I will say without equivocation – is largely missed and sorely needed by the Body of Christ.
It is a revelation of God’s Love and Grace that I see surprising old and young alike, from the newest of Christians to the most seasoned of saints, striking at the heart of legalism and “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” The tree of Golgotha is again restoring us to the “tree of life” that Genesis speaks of.
I do full-time work as an IT Manager and function as an Elder at CRF. Connie and I have two children, Nathan and Anna. Nathan, is married to Juhannah Klick, is a 1st Lieutenant in the US Army, serving as an Armor Officer in the 3rd Infantry Division. Anna is married to Jack Thompson, and is a BSN RN working for Baylor, Scott and White in their Medical Surgery unit. Along with being an Elder I play in the worship team, and oversee CRF’s sound, presentation, recording and web development.
Michael Klick